
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Reese's PB Chocolate Cupcakes

My mother-in-law requested cupcakes for one of her co-workers turning the Big 4-0 so I whipped up some chocolate cupcakes, but then for a little twist I plopped a Reese's peanut butter cup in the batter right before baking.  {Not the regular size Reese's and not the NEW super mini size, but a medium size Reese's.}  Then I topped it off with my yummy peanut butter cream cheese frosting and they turned out pretty yummy.  Since I had enough batter leftover to make another dozen, I tried folding in some Reese's peanut butter chips instead of the peanut butter cup, and dang if they didn't all sink to the bottom.  Even after I tossed them in flour.  Oh, well, they still got eaten.  :)


  1. ahhhhhmazing!!!!!!! cannnot wait to try theses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I am actually going to try this recipe this weekend :) Can't wait to see how they turn out!!!

  3. My husband would love these!
