
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Step Over Oprah...

Well, I promised a BIG announcement today on the blog....
Drum roll please...
I'm going to be a co-host on the new show starting this Monday from 4:00-5:00 on WCIA!

Here I am with my fellow co-host, Drew.
This guy is a lot of FUN!  Very quirky and I'm so excited to be working with him!

So, a little back information...
Back at the end of July TJ & I were watching tv and a commercial comes on about this new show coming this fall.  They said they were looking for someone with pizazz and energy and immediately I felt like they were talking to me through the tv.  I knew this was MY job for the taking and I had to go for it!  So, with the help of my sweet mama and hubby, we made a little audition video, featuring me with cupcakes (what else?) and we sent it in.  About a week or so later I got an e-mail from one of the producers telling me they'd like to get to know me better and tell me about this new show.  EEeEEeeKKK!  So, in I went.  It was never really called an "interview" but that is exactly what it was.  After hearing about the show and it's concept, they wanted to do some test interviews with me on camera.  Yowzers.  Ok, I can do this... So, we role played a few interviews, bombed the first one and by the third one I was feeling a bit more comfortable.  So, then it was a waiting game.  I finally heard back from them a couple weeks ago wanting to meet with me again, and this time it was to offer me the J-O-B!  Super excited.  Super nervous.  They put me right to work, and let me tell you....! (j/k)  One of our clients, The Studio, was having a grand opening celebration with celebrity hairstylist, Dean Banowetz, and wanted me to come in and get a celebrity makeover.  Shut.the.front.door.
It was AMAZING!  

Meeting Dean.  This guy is awesome!
He does Simon Cowell's hair every 10 days,
was the stylist for American Idol the first 6 seasons, and
Ryan Seacrest's stylist the past 9 years just to name a few of his clients.

 Consultation time...

 Time to color those "more mature" hairs as Dean likes to call them!  LOL!

 Now, any guesses on whether or not I've been able to re-create this look....

After it was all over, we did a little interview with Dean.  I'm telling you, nicest guy ever.
Here's a link to see the interview and a fast forward version of my makeover that The Studio put together.  Check it out HERE.  It's really fun!
So, that was a tough first day on the job, let me tell you!
But, since then it's been rehearsals and making sure I'm comfortable on set and doing interviews, because this show is LIVE, no take twos!  Eeekkk!
We went on the morning show today to promote the show, so in case you missed that, here's the link to go check it out.  Click HERE!
Meet and greet luncheon today, premiere party Wednesday and Thursday and then one last rehearsal Friday and then SHOWTIME!  I hope you'll tune in and support me in this new adventure, it's going to be fun and I promise to keep it real and exciting.  (Now if anyone has a cure for the butterflies, send the antidote my way!)


  1. I am SO STINKING PROUD OF YOU! :-) HOLY COW! :-) PS You look BEAUTIFUL in your picture! :-)

  2. Wooooow! Congratulations. That is SO exciting and fun.

  3. Whiskey has always worked for butterflies that I have had!!!! lol Congrats and good luck girl! You will be great. I am doing this secretly...lets see if you can guess who this is?

  4. Awesome Heather. I'm sure you'll have a blast! Very cool.

  5. Congratulations! What a fantastic opportunity!

  6. Way to go Heather. When we are back in Illinois hopefully I'll be able to catch it! Best of luck, you will do great.

  7. Congratulations! You always did
    have lots of energy and pizazz!

    Jennifer Etheridge

  8. wow just read this post & all I can say for you is WHOOOO-HOOO! So exciting & you may not feel like it but you LOOK like a "natural" already! Very cool - will try to follow you when you post links! Good luck with all of this - you will be FAB! =)

  9. Thanks everyone for the sweet, sweet words! Ok, Ms. Anonymous... who are you????????

  10. I have no doubt that you will be the talk of the town! So stinking proud of you! Everyone in Central Illinois is going to love you as much as I do! Congratulations to one of my beautiful daughters!

  11. From your very first moment you were beautiful, bubbly, sweet and destined to be a star. Congratulation, World! Here comes Heather. Granny

  12. Heather, I just wanted to congratulate you on your new job! It sounds fantasic! I wish there was a way we could watch 'your show' here in St Louis! You will be amazing. It looks like you are having a great time. Best of luck....

  13. I saw that same clip asking for someone to be the co-host and KNEW it was for YOU ! I am so proud and excited you got the spot. Nobody else could be better ! I have my DVR already programed to tape every day ! Congratulations again ! Move over Martha... Heather is moving up to your spot !
