
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Gingerbread Houses on ciLiving

For one of our Holiday Week shows, my kids got to come and help me decorate some gingerbread houses that we constructed out of milk cartons.  They were super easy, and just their size for decorating!  Brock & Jillian totally morphed into little celebrities once we went live.  And to think I thought they were going to be quiet and shy... not a chance.  I'm hoping to have a link to the segment up soon so you can see them in action.

My gingerbread house decorating skills are less than ideal...
 I LOVE this recipe for royal icing on
Works like glue.  You can find it HERE!
I actually use 4 1/2 C. powdered sugar and vanilla instead of lemon, but it's completely up to you!

And aren't these the CUTEST???
Just recycled some Starbucks jars, hot glued on some buttons, tied felt scarves around the neck, popped a donut hole on top with two brown sprinkle eyes, a tic tac nose and a mouth drawn on with a food writer pen.  So easy!  Gotta love pinterest for pointing me in the right direction!  I found the idea HERE
Stay tuned for the link to the segment!

1 comment:

  1. Cannot wait to see the link! :-) I am sure your kids are just as precious as you are! :-)
