
Monday, December 20, 2010

Cookie Exchange & Hot Chocolate Cupcakes News Segment

Hot Chocolate Cupcakes with lovely runny, melted candy canes.

Holly Jolly Red Velvet Cupcakes - RECIPE

This past week I had the pleasure of going on the news again to show off my cookie exchange party tablescape and to demo how to make Hot Chocolate Cupcakes. I got my cupcakes made in the morning, topped them with the chopped up candy canes, stuck the candy cane "handle" in the cupcake, and put them in my handy dandy cupcake container and on the kitchen table to "rest" until showtime. So, when we get to the news station and I open my handy dandy cupcake container to find melted, runny candy canes I was very disappointed. *Strike One* Then here I am to display how to host a cookie exchange, and I forgot my three-tiered stand at home, which was going to display the cookies for said cookie exchange. *Strike Two* Then the usual anchors whom I have built a relationship with and some rapport with both had the night off, so I had two new anchors to work with. *Strike Three* (Not that they were bad to work with, but at the time when everything else was seeming to go in a downward spiral, I just felt like, good gravy, not ONE more thing!!!! My nerves can't take anymore!!! But, they were VERY nice and sweet!) So, anyways, everything went smoothly and it was a lot of fun. THANKS to my sweet mama and little sister for coming and helping me set up and calm my frazzled nerves. Hopefully they'll ask me back and I can do something fabulous for Valentine's Day!
Here's the clip of the news segment in case you missed it...
{Oh, and did I mention that it was SNOWING that night when I had to drive to the news station, and me, my tahoe, snow, and slick roads are not BFF's?} ----> *Strike Four

{My super sweet sis, Ashley}


  1. looks amazing and you and your sister are so cute!

  2. Fabulous Heather! Everything is amazing. Now tell me, where do I get one of those cake stands??

  3. Thanks!
    @Amy- I found those this summer at TJ MAXX. Maybe amazon? Are you a Layla Grayce fan on FB? She has some really cute ones on her site. (A little $$$ though.)

  4. The table is awesome!!! I love love love those little Christmas trees!!!!

  5. You are such a pro at this!! You don't even look please? Fabulous! LOVE IT!

  6. Sooooo far from being a pro, but you're sweet! :) THANKS!

  7. WOW!!!! I LOVE your blog! :-) Def becoming one of my favorites! ;-) Can't wait to try out some of your recipes! :-)

  8. Oh Heather, I think EVERYTHING looked amazing!! Seriously, how can one person have that much talent???
