
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Kelsey's Wedding Cupcakes

This summer our sweet friend from church, Kelsey, got engaged.  She only had a matter of weeks to get things planned and organized before making a move down to Florida, but she knew she wanted me to help with making cupcakes.  200 cupcakes (red velvet, white, and chocolate) to be exact, and to make Grandma happy, a BIG cupcake that could be something to cut.  (Gotta keep that cake cutting tradition, ya know.)  So, this was all before I began working, so I thought, hmmmm.... 200 cupcakes... that is something I've never done before.  I'm pretty sure I could handle that.....
Oh my good golly, that is a.lot.of.cupcakes!
Then add that monster of a cupcake.
That thing made me nervous.
Like a nervous wreck to be exact!
But while I was at work, my mom was over watching the kids and did a little research for me and learned we could make the base out of white almond bark.  Not sure how she did it... but it turned out great.  Then after a disaster of a first attempt using red velvet cake, I made a white cake, kept it in the freezer all day while I was at work, came home, shaved off the top with a serrated knife, popped it out of the mold, and that seemed to be the trick.  I stuck the bottom part in the almond bark mold, trimmed off the top, and then put a layer of buttercream on it before applying the top part of the cupcake.  I think it turned out better than I had pictured... and Kelsey loved it, so that made spending hours in a kitchen that looked like a cupcake exploded everywhere all worth it! 

Congrats Kelsey & Jordan!
May God bless your new life together! 


  1. OH MY WORD!!!! I am SOOOO impressed! :-) That is a BEAUTIFUL cupcake!

  2. Heather:
    We had many people tell us how wonderful the cupcakes were
    ! Kelsey and Jordan so loved the white almond bark! It was like a wonderland experience for her. Thank you soooooo much for taking on the task. I didn't eat any until today and they are to die for! Fortunately, we have left overs for Wednesday night....not sure what was the bigger hit the cupcakes or Marble Slab...ya otta get a contract with them and make the BIG BUCKS! Thank You Thank You!
