
Saturday, December 3, 2011


Oh my goodness...
My blog has had such a nice vacation, but it recently told me that it was ready to work again.
It's ready to share what all I've been up to at ciLiving, time to share the yummy treats I've been whipping up with central Illinois and share them with the rest of blog land.  (Especially since all the treats I've whipped up have been found online... in particular pinterest!  Let me know if you need an invite!)
So, I guess I should start back with Halloween...
At the last minute I was asked to whip up some Halloween treats, and two different segments at that!  So, I went to my girl, Elizabeth's, blog because I knew she would have something yummy to make and that it would be easy!  Sure enough she didn't fail me.  I found her recipe for Pumpkin Fluff on pinterest and decided to go with it.  Super easy, super fast, super delicious...

Then I also shared how to make these yummy Oreo Mummy Pops that I had actually made the very first time I ever appeared on the 7:00 news show.  Can't get much easier than oreos and almond bark!

To see the entire clip of me making these treats you can watch it HERE

Then during this same show I also whipped up some Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting.
(Again.... something I'd never tried before until show time!)
And note to self.... don't make frosting on live tv.  Takes wayyyyyy tooooo long!
Before the show I made my yummy Martha Stewart Pumpkin Cupcakes

which I usually top with pumpkin buttercream, but I wanted to try something new and so I found a recipe for Pumpkin Cream Cheese Frosting.  SUPER DE-LISH!
Here's the recipe:

8oz cream cheese (softened)
1/4 C. pumpkin
1/4 C. butter (I use unsalted)
1/2 tsp. vanilla
4 C. powdered sugar

Mix it all up and it's super yummy!

Want to see me mix it up??  Click HERE!

Wish I had a picture of them to share... but I usually forget my camera at home or when I do actually remember to take it to the station I never have time to whip it out and take photos!  So, watch the clip and you can see just how I did it!

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