
Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl News Segment

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???
So, blogger has allowed me to upload more pictures, so I best take advantage of my now *paid* for photo storage!  Enjoy!

 These are chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter cream cheese frosting that is so stinkin' yummy.  I have a link at the end of this post with the recipe.  I topped them off with some very dangerous Reese's peanut butter cup minis.  I have to remind myself that just because they're MINI, does NOT mean I can eat handful after handful of these scrumptious little suckers. 

Coconut Cupcakes with green tinted coconut "turf", topped with a chocolate covered marshmallow.  Have you ever tinted shredded coconut before?  Me either...until now.  And talk about EASY.  Fill a pint jar about 3/4th's full with your coconut.  Mix 1 Tb. of water with your food coloring/gel and mix it up, pour it over your coconut and SHAKE, SHAKE, SHAKE!  Then pour it out onto some paper towels and let it dry.  Simple.  (And cute!)
All printables from Shindig Parties to Go

Gorgeous cookies from Dandy Delights

 So, here is my Super Bowl spread from the news segment from tonight...
How cute are my printables from Shindig Parties To Go?  Amanda, I'm gonna guess a fellow polka-dot lover, was so sweet to share her printables with me for this segment.  You can get your own set HERE.  And those cookies... Stinkin' ADORABLE!  Super Sweet Sara from Dandy Delights shared her gorgeous cookies and chocolate covered strawberry marshmallows with me for the segment.  Be sure to check her out!  And if you're lucky, over on my facebook fanpage, you could WIN 6 cookies, 6 chocolate covered raspberry marshmallows, and 6 salted caramels from Dandy Delights... just in time for Valentine's Day.   And that peanut butter cream cheese frosting, you can find that recipe HERE.

Here's the link to my news segment in case ya missed it!!!
Enjoy! :)


  1. umm. . .those cupcakes look amazing! AND that tinted coconut would be perfect for St. Patrick's day! ;-)

  2. I have the same printables! Love what you did with yours. Here are some pics of what I did with the Packer version:

    I'm your newest follower :) Love your blog!
